CYTED: ¿una apuesta progresiva por la financiación de la ciencia y la tecnología en Iberoamérica?
Ainoa Quiñones Montellano y Sergio Tezanos Vázquez
El Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo (CYTED) es una iniciativa multilateral de cooperación que promueve, de manera solidaria, la investigación, el desarrollo y la innovación (I+D+i) en la región iberoamericana. Una estrategia distributiva “progresiva” (tanto en la financiación como en la asignación de los recursos) debe contribuir a cerrar la amplia brecha existente entre las disímiles capacidades de innovación de los países de Iberoamérica. Para contrastar esta hipótesis realizamos un análisis distributivo que revela la insuficiente progresividad agregada del Programa CYTED (principalmente por las regresivas participaciones de los países latinoamericanos con capacidades medias-altas de innovación) y ofrecemos recomendaciones prácticas para mejorar su actuación.
Palabras clave: CYTED, Iberoamérica, cooperación científico-tecnológica, progresividad, I+D+i
CYTED: uma aposta progressiva ao financiamento da ciência e da tecnologia na Ibero-américa?
Ainoa Quiñones Montellano e Sergio Tezanos Vázquez
The Ibero-American Science and Technology for Development program (CYTED, as per its Spanish acronym) is a multilateral initiative that promotes and supports cooperation in research, development and innovation (R&D&I) in the Ibero-American region. A distributive “progressive” strategy (in financing as well as in the allocation of resources) should contribute to bridge the existing gap between the different innovation capacities in the Ibero-American countries. In order to verify this hypothesis we carried out a distributive analysis that reveals the insufficient aggregate progressiveness of the CYTED program (mainly due to the regressive participation of Latin American countries with medium to high innovation capacities). Therefore, we offer practical recommendations to improve this situation.
Palavras-chave: CYTED, Ibero-américa, cooperação científico-tecnológica, progressividade, P+D+i
CYTED: a progressive bet on the funding of science and technology in Ibero-America?
Ainoa Quiñones Montellano and Sergio Tezanos Vázquez
The Ibero-American Science and Technology for Development program (CYTE, as per its Spanish acronym) is a multilateral initiative that promotes and supports cooperation in research, development, and innovation (I+D+i) in the Ibero-American region. A distributive «progressive» strategy (in financing as well as in the allocation of resources) should contribute to bridge the existing wide gap between the different innovation capacities in Ibero-American countries. In order to verify this hypothesis we carried out a distributive analysis that reveals the insufficient aggregate progressiveness of the CYTED program (mainly due to the regressive participation of Latin American countries with medium to high innovation capacities) and we offer practical recommendations to improve their situation.
Key words: CYTED, Ibero-America, scientific technological cooperation, progressiveness, I+D+i
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